

杰拉斯 杰拉斯 | 时间:2012-03-27, Tue | 24,101 views


发现与网上的其他高手使用完全相同的方法,使用scanf及printf的代码提交后Accepted,而使用cin及cout的却Time Limit Exceeded



杰拉斯 杰拉斯 | 时间:2012-03-06, Tue | 6,394 views

近十年来,社会给当代大学生很多负面评价,说他们是垮掉的一代、迷惘的一代、没有责任感、没有使命感、急功近利、蝇营狗苟的一代。或许这些负面的特征他们确实具有。 但我们做平心之论,这些特征难道是他们独有的吗?






杰拉斯 杰拉斯 | 时间:2012-02-17, Fri | 6,026 views
1IP Address
Suppose you are reading byte streams from any device, representing IP addresses. Your task is to convert a 32 characters long sequence of '1s' and '0s' (bits) to a dotted decimal format. A dotted decimal format for an IP address is form by grouping 8 bits at a time and converting the binary representation to decimal representation. Any 8 bits is a valid part of an IP address. To convert binary numbers to decimal numbers remember that both are positional numerical systems, where the first 8 positions of the binary systems are:
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
128  64 32 16 8   4   2   1
The input will have a number N (1<=N<=9) in its first line representing the number of streams to convert. N lines will follow.
The output must have N lines with a doted decimal IP address. A dotted decimal IP address is formed by grouping 8 bit at the time and converting the binary representation to decimal representation.



杰拉斯 杰拉斯 | 时间:2012-02-17, Fri | 6,949 views
1Message Decowding
The cows are thrilled because they've just learned about encrypting messages. They think they will be able to use secret messages to plot meetings with cows on other farms.
Cows are not known for their intelligence. Their encryption method is nothing like DES or BlowFish or any of those really good secret coding methods. No, they are using a simple substitution cipher.
The cows have a decryption key and a secret message. Help them decode it. The key looks like this:
Which means that an 'a' in the secret message really means 'y'; a 'b' in the secret message really means 'r'; a 'c' decrypts to 'w'; and so on. Blanks are not encrypted; they are simply kept in place.
Input text is in upper or lower case, both decrypt using the same decryption key, keeping the appropriate case, of course.
* Line 1: 26 lower case characters representing the decryption key
* Line 2: As many as 80 characters that are the message to be decoded
* Line 1: A single line that is the decoded message. It should have the same length as the second line of input.
